

  • Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde uygulanan ve oradan tüm dünyaya yayılan bir program olan Advanced Placement, ABD'nin dışında 60'tan fazla ülkede uygulanmakta ve tanınmaktadır.
  • 1955 yılından bu yana uygulanan program SAT sınavlarının da uygulayıcısı olan College Board tarafından yürütülmektedir.
  • İleri Düzey Yerleştirme Programı olarak da adlandırılan Advanced Placement eğitimde mükemmeliyeti hedefleyen güçlü, kapsamlı ve çok çalışmayı gerektiren bir programdır.
  • AP® programı 7 farklı alanda 38 farklı dersten oluşmaktadır.
  • Sanat (AP Sanat Tarihi, AP Müzik Teorisi, AP 2-D Sanat ve Tasarım, AP 3-D Sanat ve Tasarım, AP Çizim)
  • Tarih ve Sosyal Bilimler (AP Karşılaştırmalı Yönetim ve Siyaset, AP Avrupa Tarihi, AP Beşeri Coğrafya, AP Makroekonomi, AP Mikroekonomi, AP Psikoloji, AP Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Yönetimi ve Siyaseti, AP Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Tarihi, AP Dünya Tarihi)
  • İngilizce (AP İngiliz Dili ve Kompozisyon, AP İngiliz Edebiyatı ve Kompozisyon)
  • Matematik ve Bilgisayar Bilimleri (AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Bilgisayar Bilimi A, AP Bilgisayar Bilimi İlkeleri, AP İstatistik)
  • AP CAPSTONE Diploma Programı (AP Capstone Semineri, AP Capstone Araştırması)*
  • Fen Bilimleri (AP Biyoloji, AP Kimya, AP Çevre Bilimi, AP Fizik 1, AP Fizik 2, AP Fizik C: Elektrik ve Manyetizma, AP Fizik C: Mekanik)
  • Dünya Dilleri (AP Çin Dili ve Kültürü, AP Fransız Dili ve Kültürü, AP Alman Dili ve Kültürü, AP İtalyan Dili ve Kültürü, AP Japon Dili ve Kültürü, AP Latin, AP İspanyol Dili ve Kültürü, AP İspanyol Edebiyatı ve Kültürü)

*Okulumuzda uygulanmıyor.


  •  Yüksek AP® sınavı notlarıyla yurt dışı üniversitelerin büyük çoğunluğundan kabul alabilme veya üniversiteye yerleşebilme imkanı,
  •  Lise eğitimi sırasında üniversite seviyesinde dersler alınarak kredilerin yurt dışı ve bazı yurt içi vakıf üniversitelerde üniversitenin politikası çerçevesinde geçerli sayılması,
  •  Öğrencinin ilgi duyduğu alanda çok daha derinlemesine bilgi sahibi olması,
  •  Daha iyi çalışma alışkanlıklarının geliştirilmesi, yazı yazma becerilerini iyileştirilmesi, problem çözme yeteneklerinin edinilmesi gibi ileride üniversite yıllarında başarılı olabilmek için hayati bazı becerilerin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olması olarak özetlenebilir.


  • Dünyada yaklaşık 3300 üniversite her yıl AP® sınav sonuçlarını almakta ve değerlendirmektedir.
  • AP Sınav sonuçları 4 yıl boyunca sistemde saklanmakta ve bu süre içerisinde kullanılabilmektedir.
  • Her üniversitenin kendi politikasına göre belirlediği AP® Kabul koşulları vardır. Bazı üniversiteler 3’ü geçerli not olarak kabul ederken bazıları geçerli not olarak 4 veya 5’i kabul etmektedir.
  • Bazı yurt içi vakıf üniversiteleri de AP® sınav sonuçlarına bağlı olarak başvuran öğrencilere imkanlar sağlamaktadır.

Birinci sınıfa başlayacak olan öğrencilerimizden,

.... İngilizce “Advanced Placement” (AP*) sınavlarının “English Language and Composition” ve “English Literature and Composition” bölümlerinden en az biri, en az 3 olan öğrenciler sadece ENG 101 dersinden,


Uluslararası Advanced Placement (AP) En az iki konudan 5 üzerinden minimum 3 (https://www.sabanciuniv.edu/sites/default/files/2020-2021%20ULUSLARARASI%20SINAV%20L%C4%B0STES%C4%B0.pdf


  • AP® sınavlarının içeriği üniversite profesörleri ve lise AP® öğretmenlerinden oluşan bir kurul tarafından hazırlanmaktadır.
  • Her AP® sınavında çoktan seçmeli sorulardan ve kısa cevaplı veya kompozisyon tarzında sorulardan oluşan iki bölüm bulunur. Sınav süresi ve sınavda çıkan soru sayısı, seçilen derse göre farklılık göstermektedir.
  • AP® sınavları yılda bir kez Mayıs ayında yapılmaktadır. Bir veya birden fazla AP® sınavına girilebileceği gibi aynı sınava bir sene sonra tekrar girme imkanı bulunmaktadır.
  • İki bölümün toplamından oluşan AP® sonuçları 1 ile 5 arasında bir notla değerlendirilir. 3 adet AP® sınavına girip ve her birinden 5 üzerinden minimum 3 alan öğrenciler AP® Scholar ünvanına sahip olurlar.
  • Sınav sonuçları Temmuz ayı içerisinde açıklanır.
  • Üniversiteler başvurularında Türk Lise Diplomasına ek olarak, 3-5 kadar AP sınavı skorunu kabul edebilmektedirler.



  • ve 12. sınıf öğrencilerimizin kurs başvuruları alınmıştır.
  • 2023-2024 eğitim öğretim yılı için talep doğrultusunda Biyoloji, Makroekonomi, Calculus AB ve Psikoloji derslerinin kursları açılmıştır. Kurslar Ekim 2023’te başlamıştır.
  • 52 saat yüzyüze ders ve 8 saat online deneme çözümü şeklinde bir program oluşturulmuştur.
  • Ders ücreti bir ders için 17.000 TL olarak belirlenmiştir. 12.10.2023 tarihine kadar ücretin duyuruda belirtilen hesap numarasına yatırılması gerekmektedir. (Sadece 11 ve 12. Sınıf öğrencilerimiz kurslara katılabilirler.)


  • 10 – 27 Ekim tarihleri arasında AP sınav kayıtları alınacaktır.
  • Tüm seviyelerdeki (9, 10, 11 ve 12) öğrencilerimiz sınavlara katılım sağlayabilirler.
  • AP sınavlarına girecek okulumuz 11. ve 12. sınıf öğrencilerinin kursa katılması tamamen isteğe bağlıdır. Ancak kurslara katılım sınavlardaki başarıyı artıracaktır.
  • Okulumuzda yapılacak AP sınavlarına sadece okulumuz öğrencileri başvurabilirler.
  • 2023 – 2024 öğretim yılı AP sınavları 06 – 17 Mayıs 2024tarihleri arasında TED Ankara Koleji Vakfı Özel Okulları yerleşkesinde yüz yüzeolacak şekilde yapılacaktır.
  • AP sınavlarına girmek isteyen öğrenciler için başvurular, 27 Ekim 2023 tarihine kadar devam edecektir.Bu tarihten sonra yapılan başvurular “geç başvuru” sürecine girip, ücret değişikliği olacaktır.
  • Sınavlara yönelik detaylı bilgilendirme ve ücretlendirme 10 Ekim 2023 tarihinde portalda duyurulmuştur. Normal dönem sınav başvuru ücreti ders başına 160 USD, geç dönem başvuru ücreti 200 USD’dir.
  • AP ile ilgili sorularınız için This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. adresinden veya 0312 586 90 00 / 1407’den Hacer İnce’ye ulaşabilirsiniz.



BA/BS Program


A Level




University of Delft

Aerospace Engineering

(English Stream)

TU Delft only accepts the mathematic course “Analysis & Approaches HL"

Mathematics: AA HL + Physics HL

You need to obtain at least 6 GCSE certificates in different subjects with grades A* - C (or, for England grades 9 – 4). Three or four, depending on the programme of these subjects need to be finished on GCE A level with grades A* - B .

Mathematics: A2 (Mechanics) + Physics: A2

If you hold an American High School diploma you are eligible for admission when you have passed a minimum of 4 USA Collegeboard Advanced Placement tests. These subjects (among which the mandatory subjects for the specific Bachelor of Science programme) need to be finished with a minimum score of 3 (SAT scores will not be accepted):

Calculus AB or BC + Physics 1 and 2 or Physics C: Mechanics

This secondary school diploma is not considered to be equivalent to the Dutch pre-university diploma.

To be considered for admission you must have successfully completed the first year of a Bachelor of Science or Engineering study at an accredited university in your country of origin. This Bachelor programme should be in the same, or a closely related, discipline as the BSc programme of your choice at TU Delft.

For some BSc programmes, TU Delft selects students based on several selection criteria. These programmes are:

Aerospace Engineering 

Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences

Clinical Technology

Computer Science and Engineering

Industrial Design Engineering


The deadline for application for the Numerus Clausus programmes is 15 January (23:59 CET). After applying via Studielink and the TU Delft online application portal, Osiaan, you'll receive more information about the selection procedure. 

The outcome of the selection is announced mid-April.

For further details:



BA/BS Program


A Level




Eindhoven University of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Data Science


Industrial Engineering


Applied Mathematics


Psychology and Technology


Sustainable Innovation


(English Stream)


Mathematics: AA HL

Mathematics: A2

Calculus AB or BC

You are eligible for admission if you hold one of the following diplomas:

-Lise Diplomasi with at least 4 Advanced Placement courses and examinations mentioned below (under American High School);

-A high school diploma awarded by a school with the Label France Edcuation mentioned on this website

If you have obtained a regular Lise Diplomasi you must have successfully completed at least your first year at an accredited technical university in a relevant program to meet our admission requirements. List of the accredited technical universities

Some programmes require a selection test of TU Eindhoven.


BA/BS Program


A Level




University of Twente


Mathematics Applications and Interpretations - SL

GCE A2-Level Mathematics

AP Calculus AB and/or AP Calculus BC or AP Statistics 

Students with a secondary education diploma, Meslek Lisesi Diploması/Teknik Lisesi Diploması/Lise Diploması, from this country cannot be admitted directly because the level is not equivalent to Dutch pre-university education (called ‘VWO’ in Dutch)..

Please check the admissibility with AP exams from CollegeBoard as an addition to your Turkish Lise Diploması. You can disregard the information about the USA High School accreditation, as you will not obtain the USA High School Diploma but the Turkish Lise Diploması.

Note: students who are attending a French High School outside of France (in Turkey) can only be admissible if they receive the official French Baccalauréat Général diploma issued by the French government. The University of Twente will review if the High School is officially recognised by the French government

You are admissible if you have an international secondary school diploma equivalent to the Dutch vwo diploma: good A-level results or International Baccalaureate with good grades in:

Advanced mathematics ('Wiskunde B')

Physics ('Natuurkunde)

Please check your country of origin if your diploma matches these requirements.

The University of Twente offers you the opportunity to take the Twente Pathway College International Foundation Year, after which you will be admissible to most of our English-taught bachelor's programmes. The one-year preparation programme combines academic study, English language training and study skills to prepare you for degree-level study.


BA/BS Program


A Level




Erasmus University Rotterdam

International Business Administration


Mathematics Analysis & Approaches SL minimum grade 5 /Analysis & Approaches HL minimum grade 4 /

Applicants with Analysis & Approaches SL/HL or Applications & Interpretation HL are exempt from the IBA Mathematics exam but may choose to take the exam if they do not meet the grade requirement. 

Granted for total of 33 points (excluding TOK, EE and CAS) or higher.

GCE in 3 academic subjects* including Mathematics with grades: AAB AND 3 (I)GCSE) with final grades: A*-B (9-5). A total of 6 different subjects.

Minimum grade of B for GCE A-level Mathematics. Applicants who do not meet the mathematics grade requirement may choose to take the IBA mathematics exam

*Accepted subjects: All Languages, Accounting, Ancient History, Biology, Business (Studies), Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Classical Studies, Computer Science, Digital Technology, Economics, Environmental Science / Technology, Further Mathematics, Geography, Government and Politics, History, History of Art, Islamic Studies, Latin, Law, Life and Health Sciences, Marine Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Statistics.

Minimum of 4 AP exams in general academic subjects* with a minimum score of 4.
*Accepted subjects: Art History, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Comparative Government and Politics, European History, Human Geography, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Psychology, United States Government and Politics, United States History, World History: Modern, Calculus AB or BC, Computer Science, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, World Languages and Cultures.

Note: A maximum of one AP language is accepted. Overlapping subjects (for example AP Calculus AB/Calculus BC or AP US History, AP European History and AP World History or AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics) are not considered as individual subjects but counted as one AP exam.

IBA mathematics exam (Exemption  for students who have taken the College Board exam AP Calculus AB or BC, minimum score of 4). SAT and ACT are not accepted.

Lisé Diplomasi 


IBA mathematics exam 

Applicants who follow more than one education system and next to their national diploma also obtain another diploma (e.g. the International Baccalaureate (IB) or American High School Diploma) will be assessed according to the requirements of one diploma type. Applicants are referred to the corresponding diplomas for the requirements. Additionally, a revaluation of one diploma type to another diploma is not accepted.

Applicants who follow courses for the Lisé Diplomasi and IB and are evaluated for the IB diploma must clearly list their IB courses on their grade list(s). The planned IB exam subjects should correspond with the IB courses on the grade lists and the RSM diploma statement.

To be considered for the IBA programme you need a secondary school diploma which gives you access to university-level education in your own country and is deemed equivalent to a vwo-diploma in the Netherlands. You must also meet the following additional requirements:

you should have taken mathematics at least at calculus level

you should have a sufficient result for TOEFL or IELTS (English-language test).

For specific requirements per diploma, and for minimum levels and score requirements for mathematics and English, please visit the RSM websiteOpens external.

As a numerux fixus programme, IBA applicants are given selection points, which are used for ranking and selecting the top 750 applicants. The selection points are based on your grades and your motivation;

Grades 75%: Your average grade counts the most for the final ranking. The lower your grades, the fewer selection points you'll receive. If you do not meet the minimum grade average listed for your diploma, we advise you to apply elsewhere. Use the search tool below to find the criteria for your diploma.

Motivation 25%: You will answer 3 motivation questions when applying

You must also meet the minimum English and Mathematics requirements listed for your diploma type.

Predicted grades will not be used for the evaluation.

For further details:



BA/BS Program


A Level




King’s College London

Economics and Management

35 points including 766 at HL.

Must include grade 6 in HL Mathematics in addition to grade 6 in a HL Humanities or Social Science subject (excluding Modern Language.

Notes: The total point score of 35 includes TOK/EE.

Required subjects:

A-level (or equivalent) grade A in Mathematics in addition to grade A in a Humanities or Social Science subject (excluding Modern Languages).

Preferred subjects:



Please note that A-level General Studies, Critical Thinking, Thinking Skills and Global Perspectives are not accepted by King's as one of your A levels.

Must include grade A in Mathematics in addition to grade A in a Humanities or Social Science subject (excluding Modern Languages).

APs, ACT, SAT Subject Tests and the SAT

Required grades:

We accept various combinations of the SAT, APs and ACT.

Please see our Entry Requirements webpage: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/how-to-apply/entry-requirements

Lise Diplomasi will not be considered for direct entry - study our International Foundation Programme instead. Please note: students completing King's International Foundation programme will not be able to progress onto our Dentistry programmes.


BA/BS Program


A Level




University of Manchester

Mechanical Engineering

38 points overall with 7,7,6 at HL, including Mathematics and Physics.

We accept Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches or Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation.

A*A*A in Mathematics, Physics and one other subject.

We are willing to consider applicants without Physics if they have studied Further Mathematics; applications will be considered on a case by case basis. Please contact us to discuss your academic background.

Our A-level and GCSE requirements vary by course. For applicants who are studying or have completed the US High School Diploma at an accredited school within the US, we typically require qualifications which are the equivalent of:

3 A-levels (at scores such as A*, A, B)


GCSE English and Mathematics/Science (at scores such as A or 7, B or 6, C or 4)

Equivalent qualifications to GCSE (any of the below):

SAT I with a score of 1290

ACT with a minimum score of 27

High School diploma with grade 12 classes at the grade equivalency of a GCSE exam (for example, A in Mathematics in grade 12 is equivalent to 7 in GCSE in Mathematics).

Equivalent qualifications to 3 A-levels:

Our A-level requirements can typically be met through a combination of:

Three AP tests or SAT subject tests (taken prior to cancellation in 2021) in separate subjects (including any subject requirements), plus completion of the High School Diploma (for which we do require a specific GPA of 3.0).

Most students taking the Turkish Lise Diplomasi will be required to take a foundation year, however, we will consider students for direct entry onto our undergraduate programmes where they are studying at one of our approved schools.

For more details: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/country-specific-information/turkey/entry-requirements/#country-profile


BA/BS Program


A Level




University of Oxford

Computer Science

39 (including core points) with 766 at HL (the 7 must be in HL Mathematics)

A*AA including at least an A in Mathematics, with the A* in Mathematics, Further Mathematics or Computer Science.

Those taking Further Mathematics A-level or AS-level are required to achieve at least Grade A.

Either Four APs at grade 5 (including any subjects required for the course you are applying to)


Three APs at grade 5 (including any subjects required for the course you are applying to) plus a score of 32 or above in the ACT or 1470 or above (out of 1600) in the SAT.

Please visit https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/applying-to-oxford/for-international-students/international-qualifications for further details.

Not Accepted

Candidates are expected to have Mathematics to A-level (A* or A grade), Advanced Higher (A grade), HL in the IB (score 7) or another equivalent. 


Further Mathematics A-level is highly recommended.* Those taking Further Mathematics A-level or AS-level are required to achieve at least Grade A.

All candidates must take the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT) as part of their application. 


There is no single academic path we expect all students to follow, but the strongest applicants take the most rigorous secondary school curricula available to them. An ideal four-year preparatory program includes four years of English, with extensive practice in writing; four years of math*; four years of science: biology, chemistry, physics, and an advanced course in one of these subjects; three years of history, including American and European history; and four years of one foreign language.

*​​Applicants to Harvard should excel in a challenging high school math sequence corresponding to their educational interests and aspirations. We recommend that applicants take four years of math courses in high school. Ideally, these math courses will focus on conceptual understanding, promote higher-order thinking, and encourage students to use mathematical reasoning to critically examine the world. Examples include rigorous and relevant courses in computer science, statistics and its subfields, mathematical modeling, calculus, and other advanced math subjects.

Students’ math records are viewed holistically, and no specific course is required. Specifically, calculus is not a requirement for admission to Harvard. We understand that applicants do not have the same opportunities and course offerings in their high schools. Moreover, many programs of study at Harvard do not require knowledge of calculus. We encourage applicants to take the courses that are available to them and aligned with their interests and goals.

Students intending to study engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics, statistics or other fields where calculus is needed may benefit from taking calculus in high school. However, students at Harvard can still pursue such fields by starting with one of our introductory calculus classes that has no high school calculus prerequisite. On balance, we encourage all students to master foundational mathematical material instead of rushing through any of the more advanced courses.

While we try to make alumni interviews as widely available as possible, we are unable to interview all applicants. 

FAQ: https://college.harvard.edu/resources/faq

Application tips:



  • Belli konularda/derslerde entellektüel merak ve yetkinliğin göstergesidir.
  • Dersleri bir paket halinde sunmaz, öğrenciye istediği dersi seçme hakkı verir.
  • Akademik yeterlilik ve hazır bulunuşluğun bir ispatıdır.
  • Lisedeyken üniversite derslerinden muafiyet hakkı kazandırır.
  • Üniversite kabullerinde öğrenciyi öne çıkarır.
  • Oxford, Cambridge, Cologne Institute of Technology, McGill gibi bir çok üniversite AP’yi kabul eder.


Calculus AB

Calculus BC

Computer Science A





Physics 1


English Language and Composition

Physics C: Mechanics


